Q: Are you insured?

A: I am fully insured with the Federation of Holistic Therapies and Lancashire and District Spiritual Healers.

Q: Can I claim against my health insurance cover?

A: Most major health insurance companies will re-imburse costs however you will have to confirm this first.

Q: Do you offer reflexology for women on the menopause:

A: I have specific training with Sally Earlam and offer adapted reflexology to help support women on their journey.

Q: Do you offer reflexology for people living with lymphodema:

A: I offer Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD), as per Sally Kay, for upper and lower limb lymphodema.

Q: Do you have experience of working with people living with cancer and their carers?

A: I have receiving training from The Christie Hospital Complementary Therapy team and am able to offer adapted reflexology and offer help and support to people living with cancer and their families.

Q: What should I wear during my session?

A: Loose, casual and comfortable clothing is recommended.

Q: I have arthritis in my feet are you able to offer reflexology?

A: I am able to work with your hands in place of your feet. This is also applicable with people who have missing limbs.

Q: Will it hurt?

A: It shouldn’t hurt but you may feel some discomfort if I find an area that is out of balance or congested. The discomfort will only last a short time as I work through the congestion and if necessary I can move on and return to rework the area later in the treatment.
What information will you need from me?

Q: What information will you need from me?

A: I will ask you about your medical history, lifestyle, current health and some more general information about yourself so that I can build up a holistic view of you in order to adapt the treatment to best meet your needs. Any information given will be kept strictly confidential. In some circumstances you may be asked to sign an informed consent form.

Q: I’m pregnant – can I have reflexology?

A: Congratulations! Yes, you can have reflexology but we will need to go through a few detailed questions beforehand to ascertain your general health as well as where you are with your pregnancy and how things have been so far. There are one or two situations that may mean reflexology is not appropriate but in general ‘Mums to be’ find the treatment calming and relaxing.

Q: I have ticklish feet, can I still have reflexology?

A: Yes, we have a number of options as to how to proceed. Firstly I should point out that reflexology is not a gentle massage, it involves various degrees of pressure and probing certain reflex points – most clients I have treated who have worried about ticklish feet have been able to settle into the treatment without any problems. However, if we find an area on the feet is just ‘too tickly to treat’ we can switch to using hand reflexology in order for you to receive a full treatment.

Q: How will I feel afterwards?

Unfortunately there is no single answer as everyone can react differently. However, most clients feel relaxed and calm and I often hear that they have slept well after a session. A: You may feel a bit ‘heady’ later on as though you are getting a cold but this will only last a short time and is a good indication that the treatment has had a positive effect and toxins are moving out of the body. I will give you some after-care advice to help maximise the treatment and suggestions as to how you might continue to work on any areas that have come to light.

Q: Can you diagnose what’s wrong with me?

A: No. As a reflexologist I am not able to diagnose or cure medical conditions. Your feet may indicate areas that are congested or out of balance within your body and we will be able to discuss what we find but if you have questions regarding a medical condition you should see your G.P.

Q: What does it mean if a reflexology point hurts?

A: The underlying theory of foot reflexology is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts of “qi”, a life force energy that runs through our body. If you feel tender or soreness when certain parts of your feet are being massaged, it indicates imbalances and blocked “qi” energies within the corresponding body part.